Thursday, March 31, 2011

Falling Off The World

1st Grader: How come people on the bottom of the world don't fall off?
Me: (I go on to explain gravity and draw a diagram to help explain it all)
1st Grader: Wow, what did the world do without you Ms. O? Like before you were born? I bet people didn't know much before you taught them everything.

Friday, March 25, 2011


1st Grader: You knew I had it wrong? You knew I made mistakes?
Me: Yes.
1st Grader: And you didn't correct me, Ms. O? That's not nice.
Me: We all make mistakes. Sometimes we learn more from our own mistakes than we do if someone tried to warn us or teach us.
1st Grader: Ummm, yeah, that's just REALLY mean Ms. O.'s to #toughlove.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

To Jinx, or Not To Jinx

Me: You've been working hard and I want to acknowledge that you haven't had a fight all week.
6th Grader: Why you gotta go and jinx it for Ms. O?!? Now, I'm definitely going to get into a fight... probably today.
Me: Hmm...
6th Grader: And when they ask me why I fought I'm gonna say it's because Ms.O jinxed me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too Many Mans

1st Grader: Iron...MAN, Spider...MAN, Super...MAN, Bat... MAN. Hey Ms. O, why are they all mans?
Me: I'm not sure why they are all MEN. There are some superheroes out there that are women too.
1st Grader: I'm going to create my own and call her... Mommy Man.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Painful Price

(Scene: 1st Grader slamming his front teeth into an apple, then wincing in pain...)
Me: Please stop doing that. It looks like it hurts.
1st Grader: Ooooo, it hurts so bad. But I need it to come out.... NOW!
Me: It will come out by itself.
1st Grader: That is not soon enough. By the time it comes out, the robot won't be on sale anymore! I need the Tooth Fairy to visit me... tonight.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A World of 1

7th Grader: I'm so sick and tired of human beings!
Me: (Thought: You and me both... You and me both.)
7th Grader: I want to live in a world of just me, me alone! Well, maybe just for a day because without other people around to bother me, what would I talk about with you, Ms. O?