Thursday, May 26, 2011

Young Love

3rd Grader: Ms. O, if I think a girl is pretty, does that mean I love her?
Me: No, not really.
3rd Grader: Can I love someone that I don't think is pretty?
Me: Sure you can.
3rd: Why is love so confusing, Ms. O? I bet someone thinks your pretty AND loves you, that would make it really easy.

("Really easy"... I think not)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


3rd Grader: Ms. O, remember how you told me to try and ignore people that bother me?
Me: Yes.
3rd Grader: I tried that on my mom and she got angry. I told her it was your idea.
Me: Let's review my advice but let me call your mom first.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ms. O's Quotes of the Week

4- I don't know if Osama Bin Laden is going to heaven. And no, I'm not the one who decides.
3- I'm not sure why I have "such a small office with no windows".
2- Writing short answers and essays for the state wide exam is NOT like texting, you MUST spell out all the words. 
1- If a question on the state wide exam is too hard, "SMH" is not an appropriate answer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Rumors Start

5th Grader #1: I heard they killed Osama Bin Laden.
5th Grader #2: You know, he's President Obama's cousin?
5th Grader #1: No, Saddam Hussein is Obama's cousin.
5th Grader #2: The one who flew the plane on Sept 11th?
5th Grader #1: Yup, the one who flew plane on 9/11 is President Obama's cousin. Right, Ms. O?
Me: Can we get a current events class started, please?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Excersing... In school?

Me: Why are you running down the hall to my office?
2nd Grader: So I could get excerise.
Me: Don't I tell you everyday not to run in school?
2nd Grader: Yes, but you also tell me I should excerise every day. Maybe you should be more clear.