Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Big Secret

‎3rd grader: So, Ms. O, we are ready for the secret. We will behave all day, watch our mouths AND keep our hands to ourselves, if you tell us what the "O" stands for. If it's embarassing, we promise not to laugh.
Me: I appreciate that guys, but it's not embarassing and it's not a secret. It's been on the front of my door all school year.
3rd Grader: WHAT!?!?!? Let me see... yeah, I can't pronounce that.

Friday, June 17, 2011


5th Grader: Why we can't be friends on Facebook, Ms. O? The whole "Boundaries" thing?
Me: Yes. We've been through this many times already.
5th Grader: So you gonna "Not Now" me before I even "Request" you? You not even gonna think about "Confirming" me?
Me: That's a whole lot of Facebook talk. And no, I won't even think about "Confirming" you.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Professor O

3rd Grade Girl: Could I get some markers, Professor O? ( I hand her some markers)
3rd Grade Boy: Why you calling her “Professor” for?
3rd Grade Girl: ‘Cause I like Professor better than Ms. And there’s Prof. X, so why she can’t be Prof. O?
3rd Grade Boy: Cause we ain't mutants, that's why.
3rd Girl: Well, let’s ask her and she can decide. Which do you like better, Prof. O or Ms. O?
Me: Definitely Prof. O.
 3rd Grade Boy: Yo, you calling us mutants Ms. O?